Friday, April 23, 2010

I finally went to the gym today. Yippie!

I initially thought i had some outstanding balance in my monthly fee at fitness first. i thought i had 300 rm to pay. coz ff set my account on auto debit using my atm card. and i am broke, i hope you know that. and a few months past my mom had just given me enough money to live and pay for ff.and so for a couple months i really thought i used up my money before they can auto debit my shit.

so now, my mom gave me more money. dont get me wrong, i didnt tell her anything about my problem. i even pretended to go to gym to make sure she did not suspect anything. this month, me momsy received bonus! so she can give me more money. so now i got money to pay the debt..

i went to the gym with confidence - i got my debit card ready. i asked them to check if i got any debt. and they checked the system and asked
" what do you wanna pay miss?"
"i just wanna check"
"hmm there's nothing wrong, you're clear!"

i was so shocked! and i said thank you and move on like nothing happened. but really, i was blooming in the heart!

so i get on the treadmill, elliptical, bla bla. sweated (not a lot but still i just did 1 hour)

i was bored. maybe i should join a class.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

so wuddup blawwwwwwg?!

i went through it all. all my troubles. and it is proven that when i dont think about it too much, things will just happen as planned and all is well.

as you may notice, i dont have much desire to write these days. it's not that i lack mind is constantly thinking. but i basically have no life right now. no school, no job, no money. all i do is watch tv, and doing chores. i cant sing right now coz i was down with sore throat. i'm feeling 99% better rite now.. no worries.

it's sometimes hard to fathom that i am just waiting for my graduation day to come. there used to be so much problem that i had to settle at uni. and now, it's all good. and i dont know if it is something wrong or not. im not used to not having troubles! haha! so i might have to check uni website once in a while to make sure i dont miss anything important - since im not going there anymore anytime soon. they are currently having their exams right now. hehe and i dont have to.

so all in all, things are fine. i might not post here often, or at all. maybe if i have the mood i'll write. pinky promise!