Thursday, July 26, 2007


Hmm Maybe yall didnt know what exactly happened between my last post and my unexpected hiatus. I've never really explained anything coz im a little too carried away by the excitement of music! Hahah.

So this is what happened.

I'm in a different college(residential hostel) now. This one is much bigger and nearer to my faculty. But it's up a hill, and it's on the one end of UKM. And I got a far away block, block F...and on the fourth storey!
That's what I get when I get over confident and didnt apply for college coz i wanna drive here. In the end, I didnt even accomplish the driving lessons and have to beg to enter this college. But it's cool...I hated my last college coz it's close to any place (its on the center of UKM) so buses rarely wait on us coz we can walk ourself.

Plus, i get exercise every day walking down and up the hill.

Okay I'm just trying hard to sound positive. The bottom line is, Nash, just follow what your mum tells you! For some reason, she's always right.

But I love being a rebel sometimes...

Well, my driving dreams didnt come true. I doubt it ever will. I'm serious! Even if I'm not a klutz at driving and passed with flying colors, I still can't drive to school. Coz the damn old car is too old and pathetic to even last a journey. If i'm lucky, it'll last. But I'm very unlucky in life, so it'll probably stall somewhere on the road, and die. And I also die there too.

And if the old car problem is not enough, my parents wouldnt even let my buy a new car. Na until I'm really expert in driving a car! Well, how am I going to be an expert if I dont even spend time driving around with one?! HUH I dont understand these people!!!

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