Friday, March 27, 2009

Whoa!!! Cybernite's location has changed and price goes down from RM50 to RM5!!!! Nooooooooooo.

Location: Initially Equatorial Hotel Bangi, now Faculty's carpark (WTF!!!)

Food: Initially buffet, now barbeque (hmm I can deal with it)

Theme: Initally corporate, now santai n hawaii?? (what, we have to wear hula hula skirt and dance?)

All this happened because 99% of final year students refused to pay RM50 dollars for an annual dinner. Heck it's not even ANNUAL, its once in a student's life!!! RM 50 is not so expensive la people! Not like you have to pay every year! We prolly won't see each other again after this, so why not spend some to hang out and enjoy? In a hotel! Not in a parking lot!

Huh wait till I tell her about it. She will be pissed! Huhu nak hotel gaks! Tak kire!!

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