Monday, September 28, 2009

Ha ha excuses, excuses..

This is what expected of me, yeahhh I......haven't record the song as promised..duhhhhhhh!

Saturday night, mommy dearest conquered the laptop to play Freecell! Up till midnight. My eyes are sore already so I just went to sleep. Huhu...

On Sunday we went check out Cash Converter in Sunway. Never went there before, so we got lost, stumble around, asking directions, bla bla...lastly, we made it there and we sold an old blender and a computer keyboard. Total cash made = RM16! How embarrassing! Ha ha! But all money is still good money. Money = money...So why not? After that, we went to Shah Alam to reccy the way to a wedding next week. Stumble around again, getting lost, found it. My uncle is living nearby, so we decide to give him a hari raya visit, since he didn't visit us first day of raya since he was in JB. Chatted some, me and my bro stuffed our faces with cakes...yum. Then, it's time for us to send me to UKM. Huhu...from Shah Alam we attempted to go straight to Bangi using the highway. Wrong move! We were soon cruising along to KLIA/Sepang area. We panicked a little...took a detour and soon, an exit to Bangi was found. How relieved! So I successfully spent the night back in my hostel room. Obviously I can't record no more coz my old trusty lappie doesn't have a webcam, the newbie at home does.

Oh well.

Now my roomie is here all day, so no chance on audio recording either.

Oh well.

Not like you guys wanna hear me wailing anyways. Right? Right??? Riiiiiiiiiiiight....ious.

Ha ha.

Me hungry...rah rah rahhhhh >:-(

I'm starting to feel like you, Khairul. I'm officially stuck here in this room. I'm beginning to feel awful sad! Yes it's normal for me especially after spending the last week at home, surrounded with laughter and goofing around with my bro. We love to alter raya songs to other nonsensical lyrics. And after that, we could not stop laughing our ass off! Mom would be pissed coz we cause a lot of noise when all she wanna do was watch her tv shows.'s sad to go from that scene to absolute loneliness in this room.

Okay enough rambling tonight. Until next time!


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