Any way today is my day off...I got to go to class structure is a must now. Thursday morning I have presentation for Computer Organisation and Friday I have Database presentation. I'm kinda glad that I'll be finishing all presentations on this week so I don't have to constantly worry about them ever again. And I wanna come home this week even though I have somethings this Friday and I think it's gonna be the last time I go home...coz the final exam is near!!!
And the thing that constantly bug me now is that I have one paper at the Dewan Gemilang. I don't even know where it's situated but all I know is that it's freakingly fucking far away!!! I can't walk there and I don't even know what bus to take to go there or if there IS any bus to go there. I'm trying not to think about it so much but the thought keep on coming back to me. It does not help either that I'm staying in my room all alone!
Last night Yati my former roomate asked me for help in the english language probs (typical for me). And she said she need help forning a couple of sentence and it's not much. But when she came to my room, she needs me to form a whole oral presentation text for her! As much as I hate teaching people, I hate lazy stupid bums even more! She can't even think of a thing to write, I have to think it up for her! If she's my brother I'd smacked her in the head!
Later, she asked me if She had ever hurt my feelings since last sem. I told her yeah...and I only mentioned about her noisy friends who invaded the room every single night. I had lots more in mind, but I don't wanna say coz I just want her outta my room at the moment. Seriously, it's very uncomfortable having her in the room. I just stay quite and smiled politely (inside I'm seething) until she can't think of anything else to chat up. But she asked me to come to her room. I said "No!" and she said "too lazy to walk up the stairs?" I just nodded. In fact...not that I'm lazy, but I simply don't wanna! Bye! And I'm alone again...and I love it!!!
Zila my now sicky roomate will come back from hospital tomorrow or Thursday. And just going back home again and putting off the short sem (again). Wonder when she'll be better? It's a kinda mystery sickness lah...I can't explain it! So I'll be alone in the room! People might view the last sentence and say "What a lonelygirl15! Don't you feel scared sitting all alone in the room? Tak boring ke?" Hell no! I'm not overconfident or over reacting but it's true. I love some alone time for myself!
Okay I'm off! I'm at the cc right now and had actually lost track of time.