Thursday, March 22, 2007

my heart did time in siberia

I've been wanting to write here but I got no chance of sitting in front of a computer up until now! Recently, on the day I was going back to UKM, I rediscovered the band that started me going. I've been a fan of theirs since I was a kid...I was only 10 at that time and actually they are the factor that I'm exposed to english music. Have any ideas as in who I'm talking about? Well, it's the...


AND I'M NOT ASHAMED OF IT! Come to think of it, I've never been ashamed of the Backstreet Boys coz they're awesome...and mostly shaped part of who I am today. Yup I'm serious. And I still remembered what a bopper I was with my mates, Nadz and Nabila. Nadz was the most goofy one, she's obsessed with Kevin and Howie..yes she's greedy..and would dance along to "I want it that way" and "Larger Than Life". In front of my mum and aunt, mind you! And as for me, I was initially introduced to BSB (cehh) by Nabila...and she OWNED A.J! I loved A.J the most as I remembered, but what to do? He's Nabila' I choose Brian. Brian is such a cutey...but actually I liked A.J for his cool attitude. Well, Brian has the most amazing voice (tome, at the time) and in my opinion, he's the main reason why BSB's songs are such a big hit with gals...I mean, we can melt. I MELT hearing his voice...can break your heart too...haih...

To tell the truth, I never stopped loving them and being their biggest fan. But at this time, it's kinda hard to stand by something that is not in anymore. People mock you and call you teenyboppers. Truth is...I hate those generalizations. When I start discovering them again on youtube, I realized what I am in those days. I LOVED THEM! I'm OBSESSED! I kissed Brian every morning! I'm not lying, it's true. And when I heard he's getting married, my heart broke, and I cried. But over time, I learned to accept it and even typed out a wedding invitation for him and Leighanne...yup I still remembered his wife's name...and he had a baby called, those were the days. All the memories come flooding back to me.

The only thing that I'm mad about them is that they never do a full concert here...damn u guys! You did a full one at Singapore, but never came a little bit north to Malaysia? Damn..And I once wrote a letter to Brian, wishing him to get well soon after the surgery. And he never wrote sad. I love you Brian...why didn't you write to me back? Huhuhu...

Nevertheless, I'll always be their biggest fan and will be there through thick or thin. Lets bring out the new album already! And it's official...Backstreet Boys are the biggest boyband of all time! BSB 4eva!

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