Sunday, November 30, 2008

i want it!!

I can't wait for my Comic Book Tattoo to arrive. I've ordered it from acmamall for almost 2 weeks already! When is it gonna be delivered?! I'm freaking out! Even the Piano For Dummies that I ordered on Monday has arrived yesterday! Hmm, the piano book is from mph online, so I dunno about the acmamall one. I want it right now!

FYI: I'm reunited with Tori now...I will always come back to her... :)

Monday, November 24, 2008


I'm extremely busy the past week. I'll make it up to you by this long rambling post. Enjoy!



My last day at work! I was busy right up to the end, that I don't have the time to do my report. Have to even do a guide for the next one to take my spot. Gah. But I'm so relieved that the nightmare of a job is over. The thing that bothers me is that me and Awa didn't even received this months allowance and the bonus that was promised to us, when we have worked our asses off this month!

My boss even reminded me to not tell the JPS person about the fact that I'm not working there anymore. I won't obey! If the JPS person contacted me, I'm gonna tell her straight away about the truth.

The most meaningful day of last week. Early in the morning, we went to rekkie the way to KL Convention Center. My mom will have a conference there on Tues that she wanted to get the hang of driving straight to the heart of KL from Puchong. She's that type of person, wants to get everything perfect and organized. So we practice the roads to KLCC and how to get to the Convention Center part of it. At first, we went straight to the parking lot of Suria KLCC part as anybody else does. We didn't know that we have to walk a 1000 miles to get there through the terowong! Penat giler. So we went there by foot, thank god the pedestrian terowong is air conded and nice. Lol.

Long story short, we figured out the way to get to the place by another road that will get straight to there. Phew. We ate breakfast at Burger King. BREAKFAST! Haha.

By 2.30 PM, we went out coz my mom has treatment at KS, and I got an appointment at the gym. But my session started at 3.30 PM, so after my mom dropped me and my bro off at IOI, we wandered around. My bro told my mum he has a bowling session with his friends. Not true! None of his friends are free that time. So we didn't know what to do.

Then we got this bright idea. What if we go to check out the piano and keyboard at Yamaha?? Great idea! Anybody who knows me knows that I have been wanting to play the piano. It shows even when looking at my username! At first, we just wanted to look through the windows. But I was feeling brave that day, and get my feet in to the shop. My bro looked like he's ready to chicken out on me, but I convinced him that we're just looking around. Then the saleswoman noticed us and layan us...crap! So we just went along saying we wanted to look for a keyboard. For beginners, she recommends this keyboard with 61 keys, there's 2 types, RM660 one and RM900 one. The RM900 one has touch sensitive keys, which is so important to me...coz I don't wanna sound like some kiddy playing jingle bells and twinkle star!

As we talked further about the keyboard (with the pleasing saleswoman, hehe she's nice), the stronger the urge I got to just buy this keyboard right there at that moment! I got worried, if I had progressed in my learning, it would be expensive to buy another one with 88 I asked her if it is wise to buy the 88 keys worth RM1600(!!). She said, the keyboard is just the same whether it's 88 or 61 its just have more feature, me and my brother is still a beginner and should just buy the RM900 one. She's really kind and not pushy, coz some salesperson will be delighted when a customer is interested in the more expensive ones. But she INSIST that I buy the RM900 one! So I said ok I'll buy it! My bro didn't believe that I would do such a thing...coz we went there by ourselves and mother didn't know about it. Sape suruh tak kasi beli keyboard, baik kitorang beli sendiri :)

SO the rest is history...I said that I'm on a student budget, and the saleswoman gave me the price of RM850. Yay! I have a pinano now!!! I love it! After I got to know her (the piano) a little more, I felt more amazed. The piano sound is very realistic and it felt like I was playing the real deal. Till now I haven't let that settle down. Still feel like I didn't just bought a REAL keyboard.

Then, I got to the gym to workout with the trainer. My bro waited patiently with the dear keyboard at the seats.

Then we go shopping for groceries by ourselves. I paid with my debit card again! Haha. My mom will be late, so she asked us to go shopping by ourselves. I felt like a responsible woman!

Aku puas hati sangat...

MY firsts:
Eat brekkie at Burger King
Go through the tunnel@KLCC
Buy a keyboard
Going grocery shopping by myself

I went to my cousin's house to send my bro there for his school holiday. He wants to go to Port Dickson beach...and go to Seremban to my other cousins house to play music. They have guitar, bass, drums keyboard. Damn they can even make their own band there!

By night, I missed him so much. It suddenly felt very silent! I was bored to tears. Balik la umah cepat Syek...rindu gler. Cooking for one to talk to...just the tv and I...Huhuhu...


Cooking for myself, tv with myself, watching youtube by myself, playing keyboard by myself. Bai.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Testing, testing. I'm blogging from my phone! If ur able to see this post, it means that it's a success! Yay!

edit: It really works! This means I can blog from my phone! How cool!

Monday, November 17, 2008

new hope

Good news: I joined Fitness First! And I quit Keep Slim!

I went to my first appointment with the personal trainer yesterday 11AM. I was nervous, but she was so friendly. So I'm at ease with her. But it's a bit awkward coz I;ve never been into a gym before (apart from the 'gym' at my matrix haha). The equipments are very scary looking for this first timer. She's really fast! Bringing me from this equipment to the next, which I think she silently chosen for me. At the end of the workout I was sweating and huffing! My shirt was wet, and my hair looks like I had just gone out of the shower. And the strange thing is that I feel that I was doing it so easily. Maybe that has something to do with the fast-ness of my personal trainer. Haha :) I don't feel the time at all. I feel like I wanna do more! Whoa. Maybe this is the effect if you exercise with a personal trainer. No wonder people are paying big bucks for their service!

The effect of the workout is that I can't stop sweating after that. I felt very hot! And the absolute aftermath of the exercise is that my muscles felt very sengal and painful (painful is too strong a word to use here, but my limited vocabulary is a pain). I'm still feeling the pain in my arms, shoulders, and mostly my thigh area. I think it's normal for a person who never exercised before, well other than walking and jogging of course. I'm liking it, this sengalness. It makes me feel that I've done something right for myself. The path of being healthier, and knowing that I'm doing it the proper way, by exercising. And not by laying there getting massaged, exposed to bio-ray and getting into a hot blanket.

I asked my mother to do the rest of my treatment. I'm so glad that she agreed, coz she knows that I hate the treatments. I think it suited her better coz she don't pack a lot of fat. Just a couple of kgs more. Can you imagine ME slimming down with only their treatment? From 120 kg to 56 kg just by laying there, lathered up and getting wrapped up? So I have to be realistic. I can't do the treatment for the long run. It is very expensive. And look at my 3 months there...not much difference at all. Better to plan for the long haul, coz being healthy and lose weight is a life-long battle. Exercise and balanced nutrition are the best bet. Tried and true from way back. But it's the discipline and dedication that I need to get used to.

So far, my first day was very good! I loved it. I love sweating. Makes me feel fresh and alive. Yay! I used to hate sweating but not anymore! Better to embrace it than to loathe it. :)

Now I just wish that the pain will go away tomorrow. And remembering my dreams.

P/s: The guys at the gym really intimidated me...sweaty, bulky...I don't think I can find em anywhere other than the gym. Thank God my personal trainer is with me, if I were to start going to the gym ALONE, I don't think I can get anything done coz I'd be shy and scared...LOL :D

I love first times!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Regarding my last post:

That guy is a fake. Aku dapat tau melalui researching thru internet pasal IP address. Aku jejak emel dia, dan terbuktilah dia emel dari M'sia. That's how I know dia tipu aku. Mula-mula, aku syak something's wrong bila dia emel aku salinan airway bill hadiah yang dia nak hantar kat aku. Dari situ aku tau benda tu fake sebab nama syarikat kurier tu pelik sangat. Aku tanak cakap kat sini sebab aku takut in case dia baca. I'm kinda paranoid since all this happened. Dia chat ngan aku, dia cakap suh aku pegi website kurier tu untuk track hadiah tu punya proses penghantaran. Aku pegi kat link yang dia kasi tu. Dari website tu je aku dah syak. Web tu simple sangat and seemed tak berapa rasmi dan profesional. Logo dia pun cam klakar...gambar2 pegawai kurier tengah angkat kotak2 tu pun di photoshop dengan diletakkan logo syarikat tu kat atas kotak2 tersebut.

Aku tak bodo. Aku dah syak something, so aku tak endahkan dia. Dia suruh aku isi maklumat aku kat web tu supaya pihak kurier boleh bagitau aku pasal pakej tu. Dahlah tulisan dalam scan resit kurier tu buruk giler. Alamat dia sendiri pun tak lengkap. Hantar barang berat2. Memang tak masuk akal la.

Tetiba aku teringat yang aku kasi alamat aku kat dia. That's the time when I thought I was screwed. Aku takut sangat. Aku dah track dia, and dia kat M'sia. Menyamar. SO aku takut dia might do something. Dia ada alamat aku...takut dia rompak ke, stalk aku ke, apa2 kan family aku ke..

Aku terus call adik aku kat rumah, suruh dia jaga mak ngan papa aku baik-baik. Walaupun aku tau adik aku budak2 lagi. I just tell him be careful, kalau ada orang tekan loceng jangan pegi layan. Aku takut sangat to the point of crying. Masa tu kat opis, so takleh la nak sedih. Just cemas sangat.

Aku tak layan dia sejak ari tu. Dia cakap dia nak gi Bahamas...and masa dia cakap tu dia ada kat opis dia (kononnye la..memang kalu ikut masa uk tengah pagi). Aku cakap la, 'ko tak keje ke? boleh free2 chat ngan aku?'. Dia cakap 'aku keje, tapi aku bos, boleh buat suka ati'. Aku just cakap 'U r a liar'. Sebab aku dah geram. Dia pernah cakap dia ambik projek2, kena buat proposal, cakap dia tengah pokai masa tu, kalau dia dah dapat projek tu boleh belikan aku hadiah2. Jelas sekali waktu tu dia pekerja biasa. Skang dia cakap dia bos lak.

Dia cam marah aku cakap dia 'liar'. Then dia cakap 'ok tanks u'. Siapa orang uk yang cakap cam budak tak betul cam ni? Tanks u? Nampak sangat macam orang tak fasih english. Aku dah pikir lain. Aku rasa orang ni orang itam kot?! And then aku teringat yang orang itam dari afrika suka scam orang. Aku terjumpa website yang list kan kes2 scam, ada banyak melibatkan orang dari dating sites. Ramai pompuan terkena. Jangkaan aku terhadap dia semakin kuat. Sah la. Sejak itu aku tak layan.

One night, aku bukak laptop, ym aku pun bukak la. Pastu aku gi la tengok tv ngan mak n adik aku. Masa tu dah kul 10 malam. Tetiba ada orang tekan loceng umah aku. Banyak kali plak tu. Aku dah takut ngan phobia. Aku cakap ngan mak aku jangan tengok. Aku takut. Mak aku ingat orang jaga mintak duit yuran sekuriti. Aku ngan adik aku pujuk mak aku jangan pegi tengok. "Takkan malam2 buta nak kutip hutang kot, mak. Jangan bukak...ignore je." Aku cakap. Aku kecikkan tv, sit still tak bergerak. Sampai tahan nafas...takut giler masa tu. Aku dah syak mungkin dia kot. Tapi till now aku tak tau who was that.

Then, bila dah takde bunyi loceng lagi, aku tengok sikit dari langsir (nasib baik ada langsir tebal). Takde orang dah. Aku pegi kat laptop aku. Aku terkejut tengok ym. Dia ada mesej. Hi. How are you. BUZZ. Tu je. Pastu dia log out at 9.30 gitu. Aku takut...dia kan ada kat KL, so itu menguatkan perasaan aku yang menyatakan dia datang...but I can't be sure about that. Sampai sekarang I'm not sure who was that.

Alhamdulillah, till now nothing bad happened. Aku harap keluarga aku akan selamat selamanya. Harap dia lupakan aku. Harap dia dah tak plan apa2 benda yang jahat. Dia pun dah stop mesej aku kat OC. Dah tak nampak dia online kat ym. So hope that dia lupakan aku.

Now I've learnt my lesson. Aku tak pernah terjebak ngan apa2 penipuan sebelum ni. I thought that I'm smart and strong. But this experience mengajar aku supaya jangan vulnerable sangat. Don't think that it will never happen to you. Jangan yakin sangat ngan orang dari online. And most important, don't be too desperate.

Itulah what happened to me. Aku tulis camni pu sebab masih takut dia secretly ikut aku online. Who pandai cari orang. Aku takut dia baca blog aku ni. So cakap melayu la kali ni..

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I think I've been scammed.

I'm scared.