Friday, September 26, 2008

drink @ 3x thursday!

Ok this is just for the sake of writing something:

I got this from 3X Thursday, since I got the time to answer some question.

1. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Why?

Everything I ever drink is non-alcoholic, so this question really should be "What's your favorite drink". Haha.

I have lots...but my absolute favorite is Iced Tea. Or teas in general. I'm not a coffee person. I only drink coffee during exams or assignment (when I procrastinate till the 11th hour).

I also love juices! Ultimately, watermelon juice.

Carbonated drink: 100 plus. I don't like either coke or pepsi. 100 plus rocks!

2. Do you drink? If so, what's your favorite alcoholic drink?

I don't 'drink'! Wahhaaa but I always wonder is it THAT good? Coz a lot of people seems to be enjoying beers and wines and vodkas...

But in my dream, I drank once, and my teeth became rotten and fall off after drinking beer. Scary thought. That's why I wondered about it. In my 'experience', it's terrible and cost me my teeth, but in reality, people seems to be enjoying it. Hummmmm?

3. What liquids do you drink most often?

Hmm water? But I drink water less often as I would like, coz I can't seem to get a lot of it inside me at one go, therefore I became lazy to drink water constantly...

I drink a lot of tea too. Regular tea and herbal tea (for health reason).

And there you have it; my opinion about drinks. To think of it, I prefer drinking than eating...I'm more tempted to drink than to eat when I'm out. I'm one of those people who drinks A LOT while eating, that my drinks always finish first, and then I had to order one more drink. :((

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

of cupcakes and donuts

If I'm wasting all your time this time, this time

Maybe you never learn to take...

And if I'm hanging on to your shade

I guess I'm way beyond the pale.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

any dreams you'd like to sell?

Sometimes I wonder? If the person is in your dreams, will they have the same dream as you too?

I dreamt about this guy from school out of the sudden. And I don't even talk much to him then. Now I'm feeling lovey-dovey all over, replaying the dream again and again in my mind.

Dreams fascinates me. I recently discovered Lucid Dreaming. And I wanna experience it so bad. It is like being awake through the dream. Like your aware of whats happening in the dream and participate actively in it. In my opinion, it's a chance to be out of this world and undergo some kind of adventure that I probably won't ever experience in real life. Which is boring and dull, my life.

Talking about Lucid Dreaming, I think I almost got it last night, the moment right before it's started (the dreams). But strange, I told myself "I'm gonna dream, I'm dreaming right now" and suddenly my vision became too clear and it's sorta zooming in and out. I kinda freaked out, I guess, coz I stopped telling things to myself and just let it ride. The dreams are also strange, it came as series of events that are not related at all!

There's one scene where Lynette from DH came and ask for my help in scamming and spying someone. Weird. And then, there's me getting lost in a mall, and this attractive lady and my mom rescue me and we ride in her luxury car. Wow. And then there's the dream where I dream about involving romantically with my 'friend'. And the idea of romance is actually me doing his school homework in front of him. What the f?

God, I love dreaming so fucking much!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I'm in deep trouble now. My weight go up till it's higher than my initial weight...I dunno what I eat! I ate mcm biase je...

sbb pose ker?

Huuhuuu ape aku nak wat nih?? Appointment ujung minggu ni dah takleh dielak lagi...huuuuuuuuuuuuu

Friday, September 12, 2008


Sometimes I wondered...

I think it's not fair.

What's not fair?

That my friend get to take leave anytime she wants but not me.

The prob is, I'm not mad about this company.

This is her decision.

Since she live alone with roomies.

I on the other hand, is living with my MOM who works in the same building!

Of course I can't cuti2 suke hati!!!

No fair!!!!!!!!! ARGH! Nape ko cuti?? Tak aci tol la! Suke2 ati ko je eh...nangis kang.. :(

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I made it relieved.

I can eat whatever tonite! Huh not whatever, but whatever in moderation and consciousness, lol.

I can sense that today will be like tomorrow. Only difference is that my 'boss' is here.

I just wanna yell,
'You're not the boss of me!"

So yeah. Random.

Monday, September 08, 2008


I gained! 2 kgs!
So Shiki is so mad at me. She suggested that I do Detox Spa. Coz maybe I have a problem with my lymph nodes. The lymph nodes might be blocked and the toxins cannot come out la..

So I did that, and I sweat profusely 0_0

Banjir lo...byk air kuar...after Kelly massaged and pressed hard at the lymph node points, she said that it's gonna unblock it and make me sweat much more than before. And it did.

After that, Shiki weighed me again, and I lose 4 kg! Can you believe it? She said earlier that one would lose 0.222kg minimum if one has problems with the lymph. But me, 4 kgs! So I totally had serious problems with my lympatic system. Scary thought...

So, I was happy after that, coz even though I gained 2 kgs, I lose 4 kgs that day, it's as if I lost 2 kgs this week. In a weird way, that is.

I had to undergo a detox diet for 2 days. Today is day one, so I got 1 day to go. I can't eat anything else besides fruits and oats. I can drink herbal tea, milk, and calcium drink. But I cheated a weeeeee bit by eating some mixed vege and chili sauce during buka puasa..Heeehee.. And just now my mom cooked fried macaroni for sahur and I ate a spoonful of it. Weeee~

Can't wait for tomorrow, I gotta geet through this! =)

Friday, September 05, 2008

azam? will? if you give me the chance, I will

Aku tak kuat azam.

Azam aku tak kuat.

"Azam awak tak kuat! Kalau azam tak kuat, semua benda pun tak boleh buat."


Azam aku tak

Nanti la aku buktikan pada kamu.

What I'm capable of.

Thursday, September 04, 2008


No matter how hard it is I'll be fine withoutttt youuu! Yesss I willl!

This line always gets me going even though I hate that song. Hahh. Mesti nak nyanyi part tu...


Yesterday was the most draining day - emotionally and physically.

Emotion: This guy chatted with me and I quite like him. But then, our conversation went from programming languages to sex. Yup. He was like a sex maniac or something. And when he got desperate that he asked me to go out with him, I thought "That's it!" I'm scared. I kinda like flirting online with guys, but that is in the past. Now I don't feel comfortable doing it anymore. And he went too far...and he's like in town. He's in Bukit Bintang. And he wants to meet me at Starbucks! The thought of that ever happening scared the shit outta me!

I asked him "Are you a sex maniac??" He just said "No, but I like to talk to you about sex"

Ughhh I don't think I can ever go online in YM again. Afraid he'll chat me up again...

Physical: I'm tired. I fasted. And yesterday I happen to laugh a lot. And then talk a lot with Awa. Then laugh again in the car. And drenched from the rain when we stopped to buy food. And then laugh at the radio DJ's jokes again. I'm exhausted. And I didn't even sleep at work.

I got a new project. The last one with JPS is done. Yay, but now it's not yay. Coz I got a new problem to smash my head on. Why can't I get a one month work free holiday? Cut me some slack's puase rite?? I don't think I can even think when fasting. All I think about is sleeping and eating.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Yesterday breaking fast: Spaghetti with vege, chicken, and prawns with hot mushroom tomato sauce.

Today breaking fast: Vege yong tau too soup, with roast chicken...


I can't wait for tomorrow's breaking fast! :)