Wednesday, April 18, 2007

updates and hiatus announcement

Alright you may notice that I didn't blogged for 6 days. It's because I'm lazy and at the same time busy for my exams. It already started since Monday and will be so till Friday next week. So I will not be updating till then unless it's really important.

But as always...this is a must each week. Music of the week.

Since yesterday, I've been bored so I turned to internet radio. I found that there's a lotsa cool and talented musicians that I don't know about. And they are not known coz they're either indie or not so commercialized. Which is kinda cool coz we know that it is really good and original. Anyways, I discovered Aimee Mann. She's so talented and the first time I heard her I thought "OMG who is this? It's totally divine!"

So her song Humpty Dumpty is this week's music of the this time, it will be playing on this blog so you can check it stuff!

Peace out! God only knows when we'll see each other next :P

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