Last week is a very bad week for me. *cries*
List of bad things that devastated me:
1. On Monday, I was at home still. Going back to UKM the next morning at 6.50am due to me following along my kid bro to school and went back on the way. So I have myself a coffee binge Monday night to make me not sleep at all till morning. I haven't studied, I haven't searched the internet for the things I want to search. So I occupied myself with internet and coffee the whole night. I downed nearly 10 mugs(!!!) of coffee. So what's the problem? The morning after, I was bloated as hell! I'm tired and had a headache and bloated. I didn't know too much coffee will make me so sick and miserable! And an hour after arriving at my college, I had to go to Lecture Hall to go see my HCI lecturer who is very bothersome. Leceh betul la. Going there, I thought it would be like at least an hour, but it's barely half hour! I walked myself there, all bloated and sick and just...argh! My sweat from the walk is not even dried yet and I have to drag myself back to my room. Gah!!
2. Tuesday night. I went down to the college cafe to surf the internet since the wireless connection is limited in my room. The only place for wireless is now at the cafe. My bloatingness has subsided due to me crashing on my bed immediately after coming back from lecture up till 6 in the evening. I checked singsnap and appalled by all the condolences on Rudy Savingdaworld page. Why? Then I learned that...he passed away that morning. Shock-ness!!! Rudy is like my only cyberspace friend these days and he's the one who introduced me to skypecasts, paltalk and singsnap. He's truly a great friend...he supported me and cheered me up when I'm down. I can't believe he's gone! He's 47 ear old and only 5 days away to 48 when he died. Al-Fatihah...may us pray that Allah blessed his soul with all the love. I was very sad at first, but now I'm in the "surrendering" phase...I accept everything that God did. Here's a link to his singing page: Savingdaworld page
And God, did he love to sing! He used to sang everyday on the feature page sometimes up to 10 or more songs. God bless you, Uncle in peace. I love you.
3. I got a sore throat and soon fever starting Wednesday. I don't know came very suddenly. Maybe my defenses were down from that Tuesday, and then upon much crying from Rudy's death I got a sore-throat. I'm very special. Other people have fever with a cold, but I got fever with sore-throat every time. So suffered till now...but now the sore throat and fever has subsided but left me with coughing with phlegm(yucky yuck!).
4. On the first day of my exam...which is on Thursday, it was for Software Engineering. Which is hard as hell!! Gosh the question was soo many! I didn't know! I'm gonna flunk this bad. And to add salt to injury, my money was stolen during the exam. I left my purse in my bag(big mistake)...and....fuck! I don't even wanna talk about it anymore. I just hope that the thief will get diarrhea eating from my hard earned money. Amen.
That's all for last week. I can only hope that it will be the worst week I'll have in the my life. Although very unlikely coz life will just get tougher. I just felt like last week was just dragging its foot along the road. But I'll look forward to experiencing weeks ahead.
In loving memories of Uncle Rudy... :'(
HĂ„ndball-EM 2022
2 years ago
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