Thursday, September 04, 2008


Yesterday was the most draining day - emotionally and physically.

Emotion: This guy chatted with me and I quite like him. But then, our conversation went from programming languages to sex. Yup. He was like a sex maniac or something. And when he got desperate that he asked me to go out with him, I thought "That's it!" I'm scared. I kinda like flirting online with guys, but that is in the past. Now I don't feel comfortable doing it anymore. And he went too far...and he's like in town. He's in Bukit Bintang. And he wants to meet me at Starbucks! The thought of that ever happening scared the shit outta me!

I asked him "Are you a sex maniac??" He just said "No, but I like to talk to you about sex"

Ughhh I don't think I can ever go online in YM again. Afraid he'll chat me up again...

Physical: I'm tired. I fasted. And yesterday I happen to laugh a lot. And then talk a lot with Awa. Then laugh again in the car. And drenched from the rain when we stopped to buy food. And then laugh at the radio DJ's jokes again. I'm exhausted. And I didn't even sleep at work.

I got a new project. The last one with JPS is done. Yay, but now it's not yay. Coz I got a new problem to smash my head on. Why can't I get a one month work free holiday? Cut me some slack's puase rite?? I don't think I can even think when fasting. All I think about is sleeping and eating.

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