Wednesday, April 21, 2010

so wuddup blawwwwwwg?!

i went through it all. all my troubles. and it is proven that when i dont think about it too much, things will just happen as planned and all is well.

as you may notice, i dont have much desire to write these days. it's not that i lack mind is constantly thinking. but i basically have no life right now. no school, no job, no money. all i do is watch tv, and doing chores. i cant sing right now coz i was down with sore throat. i'm feeling 99% better rite now.. no worries.

it's sometimes hard to fathom that i am just waiting for my graduation day to come. there used to be so much problem that i had to settle at uni. and now, it's all good. and i dont know if it is something wrong or not. im not used to not having troubles! haha! so i might have to check uni website once in a while to make sure i dont miss anything important - since im not going there anymore anytime soon. they are currently having their exams right now. hehe and i dont have to.

so all in all, things are fine. i might not post here often, or at all. maybe if i have the mood i'll write. pinky promise!


Breathing.In.Luxembourg said...

your writings are cute <3<3<3 here and in the lil msg you gave me :)

Tu la, tumblr is actually more for self than for others, best kan, I love browsing through others' photos :) and post photos that reflect at the mo, how my mood is. hope chu enjoy tumblr as much as me :)


Nashie said...

yess i agree! love the photos there!
