Thursday, January 29, 2009

my life as the m word

Someone please make me an apron,

coz I think I'm officially the maid of the house!

I made dinner tonite..all of it. I cooked grilled salmon, coleslaw and sup bayam n tofu.

I even got some criticisms...which broke my heart...huhu.

The salmon was dry, and not salty enough. My bro said, "ko punye salmon tak sama ngan mak punye la.."


The coleslaw is the first time I made it. I've never made coleslaw before in my life. And it's disaster!! I doesn't taste like KFC or Kenny Roger's coleslaw. I dunnooo what I did wrong! I hate the taste of raw cabbage!


The sup sayur was for mom only, and she didn't complain when she ate it, so I think it was ok. The bayams was 80% gone bad already...that's why it's only for mom coz after saving the good leaves, tinggal seciput je left. But when I was cooking, she walked in the kitchen just as I struggled to pull the frozen shrimps apart. "Hmm naper tak prepare kuarkan udang awal2?? Tak de preparation.." Bukannye aku tak prepare, but it was a last minute decision to put in shrimps in the soup!


So, disaster dinner nite...

I just wanna be a perfect cook..


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