Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Watched the pilot of True Blood! It is a good show! Better than Twilight! But it's too early to judge. I am downloading S01E02 now. I can't wait to see what happened to Sookie!

I am aware of this show coz I've heard about it around the net. Never pay any attention to it, until I saw advertisement on paper or tv (can't remember), that HBO or cinemax asia will air it in Astro. Haha. But then I researched and they said it's NSFW, and it has an R rating. So fo sho Astro (Malaysian gov) will censor the shit out of it. What's the point, right? So I decided to download the pilot to see if it's any good.

One of my impulsive downloads. Along with Sleeping Beauty. Don't laugh!

So this show is very good in my opinion. I love the pilot so much. I love how Sookie can read minds. Coz that's what I secretly wanted :)


Today was my first day of final exams. Artificial Intelligence. Hard! But doable. In my way.

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