Tuesday, November 10, 2009

hey peeps! today was my JPJ test and I passed!!!!!!!!!

i still could not believe that it's finally over! omg...no more driving school!

i finally will have my licence, long overdue la...every body also have already, me also don't have one! (ooops, manglish overload) ha ha!

the thing that bothered me a bit was that i got just enough marks to pass...one more mistake i might have cried a river right now. so glad it turned out the way it did....hhhhhhhhuuuuuuuhhhhhhh!

but hey, i passed dammit! that's the most important thing and that's all that counts! so shut up you voice in my head! ha ha!


Breathing.In.Luxembourg said...


jack johnson said...

yeap congrats!

Nashie said...

yayyyy thanks guysss!!

Azma Alina said...

ahah! boleh bawa aku jalan2 naik keta bru ko tu akhirnya cik nasha. ;P

Nashie said...

ahahah insyaallah satu ari nnt ko merasa naik kete aku plak.. :D

saya budak baru blaja..hehe