Sunday, March 30, 2008

dear my finest

Gosh, I miss my guitar! I'm still here in UKM on a weekend, and I left my guitar at home due to excess baggage. Tak larat aku nak angkut balik...

And now I'm missing it. I'm also afraid that I'll forget how to play certain songs since I stopped practicing last week. And now my calluses on my fingers are peeling away little by little every day! ARGH that's my worst fear! I think it's EVERY guitarist's worst fear. If you haven't tried playing guitar before, you wouldn't know what am I fussing about here. Well, calluses are important in order to play the guitar with less pain and discomfort. When you first pick up the guitar and play it, the tips of your fingers are still soft and fretting the guitar will hurt like HELL. But as you persevere and frequently playing the guitar, calluses will start to form on the fingertips. This calluses are like the ones on a very stinky feet..hehe..but they're not stinky. They're fabulously hard and shiny. This protective layer of skin will 'numb' the pain that comes from fretting. So it's important to me. If it starts to wear out, I'll eventually go back to when I first started, pain and all! And I certainly don't want that.


I miss you, MR. Guitarro. I wish I could fetch you up the next coming weekend...

That is, if my group boss doesn't prevent me to go home next week like she did this week. Huhuhuhuhuhuuuuuu~

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