I must say, I feel pretty brave today.
I've been wanting to do it for so long. Because nobody wanna take me to Midvalley, so I take it to myself and just go.
The downside of this experience is that I feel so lonely! To get lost in such a big place like Midvalley by myself is not a nice experience, LOL. I feel such a loner, there's no one to talk to, so sad.
But this experience taught me to be brave and not to depend so much on other ppl...and not rely so much on cars...haha public transport is shitty! I finished my shopping at around 4.30 and got on the train on 5. I didn't realize that ppl are going home from work, the train is so packed! Penyek aku dalam tu...my feet hurt so bad.
But all in all, I like it that I can finally get what I want!
My haul today:
I got oxy(haha byk jerawat la), leave in conditioner, hair spray, etc etc...haha no need to tell all lah.
My happy face LOL...I already settled down by this time and I tested out all my purchases. My hair looks straighter rite? I straightened them using the hair spray and it worked...but the lower part is so stubborn!! (pardon the sideways pic, forgot to rotate!)
I'm a happy girl!
p/s: Letssss see if you guys figured what's different about me nowadays teeeheeee!
clue: My winamp playlist now only plays *cough* Lady Gaga and *cough* Britney *cough cough**
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